Honoring Dr. Felix Morales: JAMP Council Reflects on the End of a Distinguished Chairmanship
The JAMP community extends its heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Felix Morales for his dedicated service as the JAMP Executive Chair over the past two years.
The benefits of journaling are often touted for personal growth, developing meaning from experiences, and even serving as a stress-relieving practice. Unfortunately, there are limited resources to help pre-health students begin journaling and customizing the experience to their needs.
Shannon Gutheil, a health professions coordinator from UT Austin's Health Professions Office, talks about how journaling can help pre-health students organize their thoughts, develop habits, and serve as an activity log to help keep everything in one place.
The JAMP community extends its heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Felix Morales for his dedicated service as the JAMP Executive Chair over the past two years.
Applications received at TMDSAS for Entry Year 2025 have revealed interesting trends for aspiring professionals in medical, dental, veterinary, and podiatric fields.
The Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) offers a transformative summer internship experience for aspiring medical students, meticulously designed to prepare them for the challenges of medical school and beyond.