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EY 2022 TMDSAS Applications by the Numbers - July 1 

Take a look at how Entry Year 2022 compares to other application cycles. All numbers below represent applications started and submitted as of July 1, 2021 and on the same date for each application cycle represented.

All Applicants

TMDSAS Applications started and submitted from EY2018 through EY2022

Where EY2021 brought a historic increase in applications to TMDSAS, EY2022 numbers show a similar interest with just a slight decrease in applications started and submitted (down 122 applications started and 172 applications submitted from the same time last year). The EY2022 numbers are still on the higher end of the 5-year average for applications started and submitted.

Dental Applicants

TMDSAS dental applications started and submitted from EY2018 through EY2022

Dental applicants continue a steady rate of applications started, but saw a slight drop in applications submitted as of July 1 with 6 more applications started over the same time last cycle, but 54 fewer applications submitted.

It's still early in the application cycle and as we enter the later part of the summer when applications pick up, the number of submitted applications are likely to improve - don't forget about the importance of submitting an early application to maximize the number of interviews you could eligible to attend!

Medical Applicants

TMDSAS medical applications started and submitted from EY2018 through EY2022

Medical applicants saw the sharpest year over year decline in applications started from EY2021 to EY2022 with 438 fewer applications started (down 5%). However, this trend isn't as visible with the pool of applications submitted where 3987 applications have been submitted - only 146 fewer than last year (down 3.5%). 

The summer months typically represent the highest volume of applications submitted to TMDSAS so the coming months are sure to see higher application numbers. Make sure you educate yourself about why submitting your application early is important

Veterinary Applicants

TMDSAS veterinary applications started and submitted from EY2018 through EY2022

By far the greatest driving force of the growth of applications started at TMDSAS is the increase veterinary applicants with more than 132 more applications than the same time last year (an increase of 16%).  This is likely due to the increased opportunities granted by both veterinary schools this application cycle. See what Texas A&M CVM and Texas Tech SVM have in store.

While applications submitted appear lower for veterinary applicants at this time, don't forget that the application deadline for veterinary school this cycle is September 15!

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About the author: The Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS) is the centralized application processing service for applicants to the first-year entering classes at all of the public medical, dental, and veterinary schools in the State of Texas.

Inside Health Education

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